The Mixer


The Audio/Visual Guy

Well, this page is dedicated to Dan Phipps, who will be making all the Discursive videos.
Dan illegally aquired Flash, and has been making movies ever since. By that previous statement, I mean that he's made one movie that I'm aware of. To see it, and to hear the last recording of MahüR, go to http://mahurdrummer.tripod.com and go to the bottom, clicking on the 'John Smokes Pot Movie.' You'll laugh histerically, and understand why Dan is the video guy. Also, Discursive would like to thank Dan for the Audacity program that we record onto.
Dan is currently working on the music video for Nutcracker...Under Attack! The process will probably be slow going, due to the ammount of time it takes to cue up a flash movie, along with creating several thousand frames.

If you'd like to whore yourself out and be that 'co-manager,' let someone in the band know...